Who is a General Surgeon
Who is a General Surgeon

Who is a General Surgeon and what types of surgeries they perform?

A general surgeon is a highly trained specialist who is trained in the diagnosis and treatment of varied surgical and non-surgical conditions. General surgeon is trained to manage preoperative, operative…

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पाइल्स, फिशर, फिस्टुला और पायलोनिडल साइनस में क्या अंतर है?

समान्यतः लोगो में यही धारणा है की इन सभी बिमारिओं का नाम सिर्फ पाइल्स ही होता है। लेकिन ये चारो अलग तरह की बीमारियां होतीं हैं इनके होने के अलग अलग कारण होते हैं और इनका ईलाज भी अलग तरह से किया जाता है।

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What is proctology and who are the proctologist & What Do They Treat?
What is proctology and who are the proctologist & What Do They Treat?

What is Proctology and who are the Proctologist & What Do They Treat?

It’s very important for a colorectal surgeon or proctologist to understand all your symptoms and conditions related to colon and rectal. Because for best treatment outcome, they will diagnose you properly and determining which types of treatments you need.

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How to cure anal fissure permanently
How to cure anal fissure permanently

How to cure anal fissure permanently – Home remedies and Surgical Treatment?

Studies have shown that surgery is the most effective treatment for chronic fissure. If you have severe symptoms of fissure, the surgeon will perform a lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS),

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